
Wellbeing Analytics Code – background paper

I’m delighted to announce that the Journal of Learning Analytics has published our paper on why and how we developed the Jisc Wellbeing Analytics Code of Practice. If you want to know the context that prompted our interest in data-supported wellbeing, or how we mined the GDPR for all possible safeguards, then have a look […]


Thinking with GDPR: Design by Data Protection

Last year, I was invited to give a talk “on GDPR” to NISO, an organisation that develops standards for managing digital information. While most of my thinking and writing has looked at applying data protection law to existing systems, this seemed like a good opportunity to think about how you might use it at an […]


A Pathway Towards AI Ethics

We can probably agree that “Ethical Artificial Intelligence” is a desirable goal. But getting there can involve daunting leaps over unfamiliar terrain. What do principles like “beneficence” and “non-maleficence” mean in practice? Indeed, what is, and is not, AI? Working with the British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA), Jisc’s National Centre for […]


CSIRT Information Sharing: completing the legal framework

[UPDATE: slides from my TF-CSIRT presentation are now available] Several years ago I wrote a paper on using the GDPR to decide when the benefits of sharing information among network defenders outweighed the risks. That used the Legitimate Interests balancing test to compare the expected benefits – in improving the security of accounts, systems or […]


Incident Detection and GDPR

Great to have my paper – “Processing Data to Protect Data: Resolving the Breach Detection Paradox” – published by ScriptEd. Everything you always wanted to know about logfiles and the GDPR: Why Data Protection requires breach detection; What’s the GDPR “Purpose” of breach detection; What’s “Necessary”, when it comes to breach detection; What Safeguards are […]


IDPro Body of Knowledge

I was delighted to be invited to contribute an article to IDPro’s Body of Knowledge for professionals working in the field of digital identity. Mine is (of course) on how the GDPR applies to identity management. But as well as standards and regulation the collection is steadily expanding to cover things like privacy for consumers, […]


Maintaining trust in University data handling

WONKHE has published my article on the need to be careful in introducing, and withdrawing, with any post-virus data processing (the absolute sub-head isn’t mine!) Maintaining trust in university data handling


Remote Invigilation/e-Proctoring

An article, on “The value of e-proctoring as Exams move on-line”/”Technology can reduce exam stress”, was published in University Business (6/5/20) and the Jisc website (13/5/20).


Digital Threats: Research and Practice

Having acted as programme chair for the FIRST Security and Incident response conference last year, I also got to co-edit the special conference issue of the ACM journal Digital Threats: Research and Practice (DTRAP). FIRST sponsored the journal, so our issue is open access, available for anyone to read. Topics covered: Using power consumption to […]


Intelligent Campus: Risks, Benefits and Ethics

[Re-purposing an unused introduction to my full paper – “See no… Hear no… Track no..: Ethics and the Intelligent Campus” – that was published in the Journal of Information Rights, Policy and Practice this week] The Intelligent Campus is a microcosm of the Smart City. Smart cities, according to Finch and Tene, may be “more […]