Closed Consultations

EC Internal Security Strategy

The European Commission have recently published a more detailed action plan to support their draft Internal Security Strategy from earlier this year (that’s “internal” as in “within the continent”, by the way!). Most of the strategy covers physical security, including natural and man-made disasters, but one of the five strategic objectives is to “Raise levels […]

Closed Consultations

Implementing the EC telecoms framework

Earlier this year the European Community revised its regulatory framework for telecommunications networks, so the UK Government is now consulting on how to implement those changes in UK law. Although most of the changes are not relevant to JANET as a private network, I have responded in three areas: Data breach notification, where the UK […]

Closed Consultations

MoJ: Data Protection Law

The Ministry of Justice has been seeking evidence to inform its input into the ongoing revision of the European Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC). I’ve submitted a JANET response, covering three issues where we frequently trip over problems with either the interpretation or the use of the current Directive and the Data Protection Act 1998 that […]

Closed Consultations

Network Neutrality

This seems to be a particularly busy summer for consultations! I’ve just submitted a JANET(UK) response to an Ofcom discussion paper on Traffic Management and “Net Neutrality”. The quotes are Ofcom’s and I’m reassured to see them because I’ve always suspected the phrase of being something of a banner that can be waved in support […]

Closed Consultations

DEA Code Consultation

I’ve just submitted our JANET response to the latest Ofcom consultation on the draft Code to implement the Digital Economy Act. The Code contains a lot of the detail that was missing from the original Act and has some significantly different proposals in areas that had been previously discussed in Parliament and elsewhere. In particular: […]

Closed Consultations

Growth Review of the Digital and Creative Industries

I was asked at very short notice to provide input into the joint Treasury and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’ review of how to promote growth in the Digital and Creative Industries. Sadly, the briefing paper’s only mention of the Internet was as a “threat to our ability to protect and monetise creativity”, so […]

Closed Consultations

OFCOM Code Consultation: Mixed News

Having now gone through Ofcom’s consultation paper on the draft Initial Obligations Code, there seems to be both good news and bad news. As with everything else around this Act, a lot of thought has gone into the implications for consumer broadband connections. The consultation document contains several significant improvements for those types of connections. […]

Closed Consultations

DEA Costs Consultation Response

I’ve just sent off JANET(UK)’s response to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills consultation on how the costs incurred in implementing the first stage of the Digital Economy Act 2010 will be shared between rightsholders and ISPs. The consultation covers three sets of costs: Costs incurred by ISPs in implementing systems to receive and […]

Closed Consultations

EC Consultation on personal data law

The Commission have been running a consultation for several months to inform a possible revision of the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), which is now fifteen years old and starting to creak under the strain of new ways of doing business. I’ve sent in a JANET(UK) response raising issues we’ve tripped over in developing the UK […]

Closed Consultations

Legislative Options for Illicit Peer-to-Peer Filesharing

Over the summer the government has carried out the latest in a series of consultations on what to do about sharing of copyright files on peer-to-peer networks. Under the current law, sharing copyright files without permission is a civil offence and rights-holders can sue those who do it. However the criminal offence of copyright breach […]