Closed Consultations

EC Internal Security Strategy

The European Commission have recently published a more detailed action plan to support their draft Internal Security Strategy from earlier this year (that’s “internal” as in “within the continent”, by the way!). Most of the strategy covers physical security, including natural and man-made disasters, but one of the five strategic objectives is to “Raise levels […]


Home Office RIPA consultation

The Home Office have concluded that a couple of aspects of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 need to be fixed in order to comply with European law, and are doing a rapid consultation on the changes. Unfortunately although the consultation document is clear about what the problems are it doesn’t give a clear […]


Net Neutrality: Responses to EC Consultation

The European Commission has published an overview report of the responses to its recent consultation on network neutrality. It seems that respondents agreed that “traffic management is a necessary and essential part of the operation of an efficient internet” and that its use to address security and congestion issues is entirely legitimate. However there appears […]