
An (organisational) framework for ethical AI

One striking aspect of the new Ethical Framework for AI in Education is how little of it is actually about AI technology. The Framework has nine objectives and 33 criteria: 18 of these apply to the ‘pre-procurement’ stage, and another five to ‘monitoring and evaluation’. That’s a refreshing change from the usual technology-led discussions in […]


Working with non-human intelligence

Today’s expert panel on Data Ethics took a fascinating turn: to consider what a healthy relationship between human and AI would look like. Although we tend to discuss characteristics and affordances of technology, proper use of technology depends on the human side of the partnership, too. When choosing or using any tool that uses AI, […]


Care with “Ethics”

I was invited to be a “catalyst” or “provocateur” for a discussion on Data Ethics, hosted by the Institute for the Ethics of AI in Education. Here goes… This has definitely been my “summer of Ethics”: I’ve read, listened, discussed and learned a lot. Mostly good, but here are four tendencies that concern me. Don’t […]