
Adaptability, Openness and Curiosity

If Education 4.0 is about preparing students for the workplace of the future, that’s going to be a dynamically changing workplace. Even in my working life I’ve gone from VT100s to laptops and video-conferences. The mobile phone in my pocket is much more powerful than the first university mainframe I encountered. To send a single […]


Student-led smart cities

A fascinating Digifest talk by Westminster City Council suggested that students may have a key role in ensuring that smart city and intelligent campus projects deliver real benefits. Westminster have a partnership with two of their local universities – KCL and UCL – that gives Masters students access to the council’s extensive datasets about use […]


Thinking about data?

The question mark in the title of my Digifest talk is the key point, because I wonder whether data is the wrong place to start. In our current digital landscape, we’re all too used to hearing ourselves described as “silkworms”, donating “new oil” to “surveillance capitalists”; even the term “data subject” has a dehumanising feel. […]